Material Handler Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Material Handler Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Material Handler Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Material Handler Specialist stages all materials required for production packaging, labeling and assembly operations. The Material Handler Specialist manages the inventory of bulk and in-process materials, utilizing manage software to perform inventory related transactions, including production issuance and material transfer activities. Also The Material Handler Specialist maintain inventory records of Bulk, In-process and finished goods. The Material Handler Specialist review accountability of products, components and materials used for inventory record.

Material Handler Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Inform materials manager of any non-compliance issues.
  • Notify maintenance supervisor of any repairs required.
  • Participate actively in regular meetings.
  • Assure inventory labels are accurate with inventory records and complete.
  • Prepare materials request form from working packaging instructions.
  • Pull and assembles materials required for job order and delivers to staging or packaging area.
  • Enter data for inventory reports.

Material Handler Specialist Requirements:

  • High School Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Experience in shipping and warehousing.
  • Solid ability to work in supply chain management, handle multiple tasks simultaneously, and meet critical timelines.
  • Strong oral and written communication skill to communicate with the team, peers, management, and external contacts.

Material Handler Specialist – USA & Canada
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Still today, many companies ignore the global talent pool and the opportunities that come with it. Today, cross-border recruiting is easier than ever.


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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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