Principal Architect Designer

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Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Principal Architect Designer to be successful in their role?

The Principal Architect Designer manages and supervises all related activities of a staff of architects and technicians. Principal Architect Designer directly manages the development of architectural designs and preliminary construction details. Being a Principal Architect Designer ensures architectural design work is completed on time and adheres to the established specifications and standards. Also directs development of new methods or techniques. Additionally, Principal Architect Designer may prepare project schedules, bids, or proposals.

Principal Architect Designer Responsibilities:

  • Coordinates architecture’s staff.
  • Analysis of site and design alternatives.
  • Develop zoning ordinance design criteria that comply with governmental regulations.
  • Assemble current, necessary and available data to investigate the proposed site in terms of size; topography; vegetation; water; solar, compass and wind orientation; utilities; drainage patterns; easements; vistas; adjoining property; noise sources; soils; flood plain; transportation; access and expansion.
  • Analyze site for physical constraints and opportunities.
  • Analyze and identify site for suitability to defined program and design criteria.
  • Analyze interior building functions, their interrelationships and their relation to overall building and site configurations.
  • Develop schematic alternatives that demonstrate solutions to the project program and architectural criteria.

Principal Architect Designer Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture.
  • Solid experience in a directly related field with design-build.
  • Thorough knowledge of architectural practice and construction.
  • Excellent ability to handle architectural production projects of any size and complexity.
  • Strong client relations focus, including excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills

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